Tuesday, 16 December 2008

So what's it like...

Many people have asked me about what it's like in Uganda: Is there running water? Where will I stay? What are people there like? Do I need to take malaria tablets and have jabs? What will I do? Am I scared?

One of the reasons for writing this blog was to answer these questions along the way. But then today I found someone who's been there, seen it, done it, written the blog. Annie is in Mbarara (about 60kms from Rukungiri) on the main road to the South West of Uganda. She's out there with her husband Danny who's volunteering with VSO.

Now they're not doing exactly the same thing as me, for one they have a 'mother' organisation, which I don't (well I have the Chilli Trust which is certainly a 'mother' organisation but more of a 'single teenage mother living on handouts from churches' organisation). They have 'Prepare to volunteer' training and advice on visas. I've got google :) But I've also been to Uganda twice which helps immensely: 6 weeks in Kabale in '97 teaching English at Kabale Preparatory School (primary) and then 2 weeks in 2006 visiting friends from the '97 trip and importantly the Rukungiri Children's Project for the first time.

So if you want to hear more about what it'll be like for me then I suggest you glance at Annie's blog. She brilliantly and briefly explains the day-to-day life of a 'muzungu' (white person) volunteering in SW Uganda. http://volunteersabroad.blogspot.com/

Prefer pictures to words today? Check out some of my 2006 visit photos. The second half are the best: http://picasaweb.google.com/chilli.children/ProjectPhotosBeckySVisit2006#


Annie said...

Hey Becky! Can't wait to meet up when you arrive. Thanks for the compliments on my blog.

Your charity sounds fantastic. Wish you the best of luck with it.


Becky said...

Thanks Annie.

Great to meet a kindred spirit.

Merry christmas.
