Tuesday, 23 December 2008

News, news, news. Ho ho ho

News: With the team of Chilli Trustees, I'm happy to announce the launch of our latest Chilli newsletter No.4 (left). We've found this a great way to pass back to our supporters stories from the children we're helping. Download it from the main Chilli website: www.chillichildren.org.uk

News: I blog in two places at once! The one you're on is my personal blog. The second is the Chilli blog which is for news of the Chilli Trust and the Children's Project. There's recent news on there just going up now (no... now, sorry, no... now) from the Project team on how they've done with this year's 2nd chilli harvest. Have a gander: http://chillichildren.blogspot.com/

News: What more is there to do in the last days before Christmas but to look back and be grateful for all that we have? I am SO happy that I have this blog. It really helps me to explain to family & friends what's going on. I've felt the support of close family, cousins, Bethnal green mates, maths dudes, Links UK and Accenture colleagues. I've had some very welcomed donations on my justgiving page: http://www.justgiving.com/rebeccathorn, one lovely friend has set up a standing order to the Chilli Trust and another friend has donated a mini-video camera to the Project to help us record the stories of the children! I am incredibly thankful for these generous donations.

After suffering from a shot of the dreaded stomach bug, I'm convalescing at my cousin Helens and looking forward to Christmas at my sister's, also in Bedfordshire. In much the same way I imagine my friends in the UK and Uganda to be gathering together with family or friends. Back to the simple warmth of close relationships, good food and reflection on our great many blessings.

Merry Christmas to any and all of you!


Becky said...

Sorry, it's only just gone up now. No... hold on it's come down, it's up again. Ok ... now...

Unknown said...

Bye bye Becky... *hug*

Becky said...

ah thanks Kt, big *hug*